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FileMaker Tools: Pixel Perfect Layouts

Toolkit imageThis toolkit will assist you in the creation of "Pixel Perfect Layouts" by automating the placing of FileMaker objects in the exact same location from layout to layout. Create professional, seamless layouts that are easy to navigate and pleasing to the eye.

*Requires Mac OS X 10.5 and QuicKeys 4
Compatible with FileMaker 9, 10, 11

Single User License: $19
For site and multi-user licenses, please contact us for pricing.

How does it work?

Please watch our 2:40 minute QuickTime video that demonstrates the various uses of the toolkit. You can also download a .zip file of the video (7.6 MB).

To purchase this toolkit, please click "Add to Cart." Once you have completed payment through PayPal, you will receive an email with the toolkit files.

Wishing you fast, easy and accurate FileMaker development.

Thank you for supporting the development of these and future FileMaker Pro toolkits.


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