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"Not everything that counts can be counted."

-Amy Domini

About Tony White Designs, Inc.

Tony White Designs, Inc. was founded in 1993 by - you guessed it - Tony White.

Our goal is to provide the highest quality computer consulting, database design and custom solutions to our clients. We work to exceed our clients' expectations. The majority of our new business comes from word-of-mouth referrals. Keeping our clients happy and profitable makes good business sense to us.

We work hard to stay on top of the fast-moving world of technology. As part of this obligation we are active in a number of professional associations including:

  • FileMaker Business Alliance
  • FileMaker Technical Network
  • New York FileMaker Pro Developers’ Group
  • Apple Consultants Network

A brief history of Tony White Designs, Inc.

Before beginning my career in computer technology, I spent ten years working on Wall Street. The knowledge I earned brings valuable business experience to the projects that I do today.

After I left Wall Street I ran the local chapter of a national environmental organization. That required tapping into the power of computers to be truly effective. I learned everything that I could about word processing, desktop publishing, databases and other areas of computer technology. I was able to hone my skills running the group, which was, in effect, a complete small business. That is where I began to develop the skills needed to effectively run a business, knowledge that I now put to use for my clients.

In 1993, I made computer consulting my career choice and began doing business as Tony White Designs. The company first specialized in desktop publishing using Quark XPress, PageMaker, Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator.

When I discovered the power of FileMaker Pro to create systems powerful enough to run an entire organization, my business began to change in the direction of database design. Later I learned how to extend FileMaker using AppleScript and other technologies to create even more powerful custom solutions.

These days I take on a variety of types of projects, both big and small, either by putting together a team, or working solo together with the client.

When I look at where I am and where I have been, I realize that I would not change a thing. I am having a great time helping businesses of all types solve problems and be more successful and productive by using computer technology.


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