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How To Set Up An iChat Account

Open iChat from the Applications folder in Finder.

If you have not set up an iChat account on that computer, iChat will automatically bring you to the account set up dialogue. If an account is already set up and you would like to create another account, select "Preferences..." from the "iChat" Menu.

The Preferences window should automatically open into the "Accounts" pane. Click on the "+" button in the lower left-hand corner.

If you already have an AOL Instant Messenger (AIM), Mac (.mac or .me), Jabber, or Google Talk account that you want to use, enter that information here. Otherwise click the "Get an iChat Account..." button.

Your browser should open to a "Create your iChat ID" page. Enter your information and click the "Continue" button.

When you have successfully created your new iChat account, you should see a "My Info: Welcome" page.

Now go back and enter the information in iChat. Make sure you have "mac.com account" selected from the "Account Type" dropdown menu. Once you've entered your information, click the "Done" button.

Congratulations! Your new iChat account is all set up and ready to use!
Use your new chatting powers wisely!


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