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"Make everything as simple as possible, but not simpler."

-Albert Einstein

Welcome to Tony White Designs, Inc.

The purpose of our business is to help your business become more successful through the improved use of computer technology. Please feel free to explore our website.

To learn the history of Tony White Designs, Inc., visit our About Us page.

In our Resources section you will find useful Books, Vendors and Weblinks.

Visit our Development section to learn more about how we work and to see examples of successfully completed Past Projects.

In our Products/Freebies section you will find useful Free Stuff, additional information, and videos about our Products.

The Support section has info about how to reach us if and when you need help. Take a look at our helpful How To section for various tutorials.

Under the Contact Us tab you will find our address (of course) and a map link.

We maintain an email list for those interested in the technologies we work with. Visit our Guestbook page, give us your email address, and we will put you on our email distribution list.


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